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Shockwave For Achilles Injury And Pain
Posted 20 Jan

Shockwave For Achilles Injury And Pain

Every week, each of our podiatrists sees at least a handful of people with Achilles pain. Some patients have had it on and off for years, while others are experiencing it for the first time or as a recent injury. Either way, it’s not too surprising—the Achilles tendon takes on a massive load every time we walk and run. To top it off, the Achilles tendon also has a notably poorer blood supply than other tendons around the body.

So, what’s one way we’re going above and beyond to help you recover from your Achilles injury and get out of pain as quickly as possible? It’s shockwave therapy. Here’s how it works to help you get the best outcomes for your Achilles injury.

Here’s a look into what shockwave is, the evidence behind its use for Achilles pain, and whether it could be a good option for you, too.

How Does Shockwave Work For Achilles Pain?

There are currently numerous studies supporting shockwave therapy as a way to significantly reduce Achilles pain levels while supporting a healthy recovery. Specifically:

  • A review of the evidence for shockwave for chronic Achilles tendinopathy found strong evidence of efficacy. In this review, randomised placebo-controlled trials have confirmed shockwave’s excellent results with regards to function and pain.
  • Shockwave has contributed to excellent and good results after both 3 and 12 months for chronic non-insertional Achilles tendinopathy.
  • When shockwave is paired with an eccentric loading exercise program, 82% of participants fell into the “completely recovered” or “much improved” categories for their chronic mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy, a higher result than compared to the loading program alone.
  • A systematic review on the effectiveness of shockwave on chronic Achilles tendinopathy showed that it could produce short-term pain-relieving effects and long-term increased blood flow, both of which improve outcome measures.
  • Despite some gaps in the knowledge as published in the literature, shockwave therapy is a safe, well-tolerated treatment modality for Achilles tendinopathy.
  • The National Institute of Health Care Excellence (NICE) in the UK has declared shockwave to be safe and has demonstrated positive results.

With a complex mechanism of action behind shockwave, it is thought to produce its beneficial therapeutic effects by:

  • Stimulating collagen production - collagen is an essential component of repairing specific tissues, so helping produce more helps to optimise the repair process.
  • Reducing pain - by decreasing the concentration of a neurotransmitter called substance P involved in feeling pain
  • Promoting new blood vessels to form - blood flow carries oxygen and nutrients, so the more that gets to an injured area, the better it is for the repair process
  • Helping release trigger points in the muscles
  • Helping break up calcifications in the tendon fibres, which may have previously built up from injury

Your Shockwave Appointment

We understand that every Achilles injury and foot condition is unique and complex. That’s why shockwave therapy isn’t a standalone solution in our clinic—it’s one part of a well-rounded treatment plan tailored specifically for you. During your biomechanical assessment, which is the assessment we perform when you come in for foot pain or injury, we’ll evaluate your medical and injury history, check your range of motion, assess muscle strength and foot posture, and use tools like video gait analysis and pressure mapping to get a complete picture of your needs.

After your assessment, your podiatrist will explain the findings and design a treatment plan that aligns with your goals. To ensure the best possible results, shockwave therapy may be combined with other treatments, such as custom orthotics, targeted stretching and strengthening exercises, supportive footwear, foot mobilisation, dry needling, and more.

We’ve detailed everything you need to know here regarding what shockwave is and how it works.

To book your appointment for shockwave or any of our other pain relieving therapies, book an appointment with us online or call (09) 523 2333.

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